Friday, May 22, 2009


I'm very impressed with the way my garden is growing. The only plant that hasn't sprouted yet is the rosemary. There is one little sprout on that side of the bucket, but it looks like the basil plant, so maybe a seed shifted. The soybeans are the largest, and then marigolds, and then the green onions, spinach, and basil. It is amazing how fast plants actually grow when you monitor them everyday. They have become like my babies! haha I am amazed at how something can start out as a seed, and then just transform. Sun, water, and soil are really the main things that I have had to provide. Since we've been reading the omnivore's dilemma, I have been reading up on how solar energy has an effect on grass and other plants. Instead of using fossilized energy to help the plants grow, or harvest, the sun is a good renewable source. If you think about it, it is easier to use solar energy because it comes naturally. You don't have to turn the sunlight on and off everyday, it just cycles. Thus, why is it so difficult to change our ways? Why not use renewable sources? I'm kind of sad that I won't be able to upkeep my garden after I leave for college. It is important to transfer the plants after a while to give them more room to grow.I feel proud with what I can account for my project. I have something that is a long term contribution to the environment, my family, and my learning.

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